Saturday, April 17, 2010

Finals Week

Once upon a time, I went to a high school that goes by the name of Waterford.  It was a lovely place where I occasionally had time to slack off because all I had to do was school work.  I didn't have to worry about taking care of lots of friendships and finding a job.  Those were the days when if I was sick, I could skip school for a day or a week or so and have no regret for doing so.  Those carefree days are gone.  Nowadays, if I get sick, I continue taking my finals.  Or I just take six finals as I feel sickness sneaking up on me and postpone the seventh to a later date when I am no longer overwhelmed by coughing and hormones and headaches.  Also when I am sick, I get a job and pack my life into cardboard boxes, return overdue library books to the lovely local library, and commence my strict diet of ice cream, cookies, and brownies with the occasional Jamba Juice run thrown in.  Also included in that diet is some water to make it obvious that this diet is healthy.  Then I lounge in luxury, seriously regretting the fact that just ten minutes ago I sent every single one of the one hundred and fiftyish books that I brought to college with me back home.  Indeed...

Thursday, April 1, 2010

While arriving at the age of insanity...

This is for the illiterate of the world. You know who you are. You are those that desperately follow my blog by holding people at gunpoint so that they will read these words to you. The title of this blog is based on Ray Bradbury's book Fahrenheit 451. As you are illiterate, you will not have read it, but you should. At gunpoint. Or rather through the person you are holding at gunpoint. You know what I meant. Yes, you are very clever, good job. Back to the book now. There is a girl named Clarisse McClellan who makes a short appearance at the beginning of the book and she is well on her way to insanity. She is actually curious about the world! I can see you reeling in shock. Calm down. She thinks, speaks her mind, even commits illegal acts such as reading! I know, it's only to be expected. Anyhow, whenever people ask her age, she answers "I'm seventeen and I'm crazy," (or insane). No, I'm not seventeen, but I'm well on my way to insane. Would you like to come along for the ride? Consider yourself invited.